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Writer's pictureDaniel Madhan

Trending Marketing Strategy for Medical Practices, You Must KNow

Updated: Oct 8, 2023

Best Marketing Strategy for Medical Practices

Marketing Strategy for Medical Practices: For doctors, marketing can be a difficult and time-consuming process. There are many different ways to market medical practice, and each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Best Marketing Strategy for Medical Practices
Best Marketing Strategy for Medical Practices

The most important thing for doctors to remember is that marketing is an essential part of running a successful practice. Without a solid marketing strategy, it will be very difficult to attract new patients and grow the business. Doctors can use a few different channels to market their practices. One of the most common is online marketing.

This can be a very effective way to reach a large number of potential patients. However, it is important to remember that online marketing requires a lot of time and effort to be successful. According to the American Medical Association, physicians saw an average of 24 patients per day in 2017. That number is expected to rise to 27 patients per day by 2025. To keep up with the demand, doctors will need to find ways to be more efficient in their practices.

Build a website for Medical Practices

A website is an absolute must for any marketing strategy for medical practices. A strong online presence not only helps your potential patients find you and learn more about what you do, but it also allows you to give them the information they need before they even walk in the door. The best part?

Creating a website doesn’t have to be expensive! There are plenty of free or low-cost options that allow you to get started right away. The benefits of having a website are numerous:

  • A web presence will help patients find your practice online and make appointments with ease

  • You can use your site as a marketing tool by sharing information about new services or upcoming events

  • By posting regular updates that keep visitors up-to-date on news related specifically to them

  • A recent study found that 75% of patients check the physician's details online before making an appointment. This includes looking for a website where they can learn more about the doctor.

Providing content on Facebook as Marketing Strategy

Facebook is the world's most popular social media platform, with more than 2 billion monthly active users.

With such a high volume of content being shared on Facebook every day, it’s important to ensure that your medical practice is creating unique content that will appeal to patients and keep them engaged. Here are some tips for creating compelling Facebook posts:

1. Share news, events, and articles

Share news about your practice or industry-related updates by posting relevant blog posts or articles from reputable sources such as Forbes or Harvard Medical School.

You can also post upcoming events such as webinars, workshops, or conferences as well as any awards you’ve received within your field of practice.

2. Post videos of procedures and treatments

Videos are an excellent way to educate viewers while keeping them engaged in what you have to say—and there’s no easier way than using Facebook Live. As of July 2019, Facebook has 2.4 billion monthly active users. Of these users, 68% are from outside of the United States. People of all ages use the platform, but the largest age demographic is 18-24-year-olds, at 22%. Doctors are increasingly using Facebook to connect with patients and promote their practice. A recent survey found that 97% of doctors believe that social media can be beneficial for their careers.

Begin a blog

A blog is a powerful tool as a marketing strategy for medical practices, but most practices don't know how to get started. To begin with, you should understand why blogging is important in the medical industry. Blogs are one of the best ways to build trust with potential patients who are searching for information regarding your services.

Begin a blog
Begin a blog

It's been proven that patients prefer reading articles written by doctors than they do ads or sales pitches. A blog will also help educate potential patients about any conditions they may have or could suffer from in the future; this helps relieve their anxieties and helps them trust you more as an expert in your field. According to a recent study, 77% of internet users read doctor's blogs. This is likely because people are increasingly interested in health and wellness information.

By reading doctor's blogs, people can learn about various health topics and get reliable information from a trusted sources.

Encourage patient reviews

Patient review sites can be an effective way to attract new patients, and you can encourage your existing patients to leave a review for you in many ways.

One of the most obvious options is being active on social media, try tweeting or posting on Instagram with the hashtag #findusin and ask users to visit your profile in exchange for some reward. You could also include a link at the bottom of your email communications asking people to leave reviews if they were happy with their experience at your practice — this will usually generate more reviews than simply asking them outright. When it comes to choosing a doctor, patients often rely on reviews from other patients. According to a 2015 study, nearly 60% of patients said that positive online reviews influenced their decision to choose a particular doctor.

Connect on Twitter and Instagram

Social media can be an amazing marketing strategy for medical practices looking to reach new customers. When used correctly, social media can drive traffic and increase engagement with your content.

However, if you don't know where or how to start, it may seem like a daunting task. One of the best ways to get started is by connecting with other businesses who are in the same market as you on Twitter and Instagram! Here's how:

  • Identify some popular hashtags related to what you do

  • Create content around these hashtags

  • Repost other people's content that includes these hashtags

  • Become a source for journalists

  • Journalists are looking for sources who can provide information that they find valuable and new.

  • Becoming a source is easy, but you will need to be patient and persistent.

Journalists often look to other people's expertise to help them tell their stories: they want interviews with experts who can answer questions about their topic of interest and provide relevant research data if needed.

Send an email newsletter

Email newsletters are a great way to stay in touch with patients, promoting your medical practice and its services. You can also use them to promote events and other information that might be relevant to your patients.

They’re also an excellent way to collect feedback from patients on their experiences at your practice, which is useful for improving customer service. An email newsletter can be sent out regularly or as a one-off. Email newsletters are also useful for communicating with staff members: they provide opportunities for sharing information about new treatments or procedures and upcoming training seminars.

If there are changes to clinic hours or opening times due to holidays or special events (such as sports tournaments), including those details in an email newsletter will ensure everyone knows what’s happening at the office before they arrive each morning

Build an online profile

As a medical practitioner, it's important to have a presence online. Building an online profile can help you reach patients directly and create a positive brand image with the public. Here are some platforms you should consider creating accounts on:

1. Website

A website is essential for any business in today's world, but it's especially important for medical practices that rely on referrals from other people.

2. Facebook page

An active Facebook page lets users easily find out what’s happening at your practice while also helping to boost word-of-mouth advertising by encouraging fans to spread the word about their positive experiences with friends or family members who might benefit from seeing a doctor like yours.

3. LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn enables job seekers and professionals alike to maintain professional networks online so they can better connect with employers who hire employees based on skill set rather than just where they went to school or which company has offered them the most money for their last job opening. When it comes to choosing a doctor, 50% of people say they seek out photos or videos of the doctor before making an appointment, according to a new study. This suggests that patients are increasingly turning to online sources of information to help them make decisions about their healthcare.

Deliver unexpected care packages

  • A care package is a gift or token of appreciation for patients to show them how much you value their business.

  • Small businesses typically send out care packages as a way to say thank you to customers and clients.

  • They can include anything from coffee to chocolates, so depending on what your practice specializes in, the care package must reflect this.

Leverage patient reviews 

One of the most important marketing strategy for medical practices is to encourage patients to leave reviews. There are thousands of review sites out there, and some are more relevant to your location than others.

Leverage patient reviews 
Leverage patient reviews 

The best way to figure out which ones are right for you is by researching what your target audience uses. When patients are looking for a new doctor, they often turn to online reviews to see what others have to say. A recent study found that 72% of patients say they would not choose a doctor if they had a bad online review.

Contribute to industry publications.

Writing industry publications has long been a staple marketing strategy for medical practices. It’s a cost-effective way to reach your target audience and build credibility as an expert in your field. Here are some of the most common ways to contribute:

1. Guest post on a blog

If you have experience with a certain topic, write an article about it, send it in with an introduction from the blog owner, and let them know that you’d like it published on their site. This is a great way to get exposure without paying anything out of pocket

2. Article for magazine/journal

Similarly, many magazines and journals will pay authors for articles submitted through them. If this sounds like something you could do professionally, consider submitting one of your best pieces

3. Start a patient referral program

You can create a patient referral program by offering incentives to patients who refer their friends, family members, and other contacts. It's a great way of getting an influx of new patients without spending money on advertising or hiring more staff members. In some cases, the incentive may be simple. A more complex option is offering points or rewards that can be redeemed later on when they've filled out certain forms such as insurance paperwork and lab tests.

A valuable feature of this type of program is that payments are made only when the service is used by someone else to reduce any issues with fraud or abuse.

Improve your SEO

One of the best ways to improve your SEO is to use keywords throughout your website.

Improve your SEO
Improve your SEO

These keywords should be in the tags, as well as on the page itself. Be sure to include important topics that people will search for when they have a medical problem or question.

  • Toothache Treatment

  • Emergency Dental Care

  • Make an Appointment with The Best Dentist Near Me.

Here are some statistics that show the power of SEO for doctors:

  • 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine.

  • 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results.

  • 67% of searchers only click on results from the first page.

Best Marketing Agency for Doctors

Intellius Medical is the best marketing agency for doctors. It has a wide range of services that can help doctors to get more patients and grow their practice. Intellius Medical is the best choice for doctors who want to maximise their marketing budget. Contact us today to know more information about medical practices and marketing queries.

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