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Writer's pictureDaniel Madhan

Medical Spa Marketing Strategies: Build a Million Dollar Spa

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

Search Engine Optimization is a technique to grasp searcher’s attention. The search engine used by the searcher brings results on the basis of SEO.

Visitors get 10 results in a mobile screen and 5 in a computer screen. Psychologically, 90% of people click to view the first result. Thus the ranking matters to get viewed often by searchers.

To get top rank in the result page of searcher, it is important to do keyword research, adding locations, length of the content, image used, call to action option and so many other factors. You know 13% of contents remain at the top and irreplaceable. Build your SEO in such a way!

Build business website A successful Medspa never happens without a website. While building your website, create it with SEO strategies.

People in this busy world, never find time to read patiently. First 100 words of your web content get read often. There fails many website as they give 96% of irrelevant words in a dragging way. It greatly helps you to make visitors stay more than 3 seconds.

If you make a visitor stay more than 30 seconds, you have great conversion rate. Now, you know why 70% of professionals use websites to promote their enterprise.

Local SEO

Medspas have direct visitors. Clients you get mostly range from 25-30 km of your spa location. You may have your Medspa located in heart of the city to gain more new visitors. But it is true that you are actually trying to distract the clients of your local competing medspas.

It is obvious they do the same to attract visitors. Know the lifestyle, age group of people living in your area, educational level, men and women ratio, and economical status.

This local SEO strategy helps to filter your target audience from others. On knowing this, you can aim on potential clients who can visit your Medspa for beauty treatments. Include call to action and adding location in Google maps. People choose less work and time to spend on choosing Medspa. So, be easily reachable.

Site map and web pages

Majority of the searchers come to visit for specific treatment in your website. Mostly, they don’t get direct results. You be different from this traditional way of showing results. Have a site map for your spa website.

List down all the web pages contain inside it. Create separate web page for each and every treatments and services given at your spa.

Targeted audience visits the exact page and knows exact information. Eventually, they visit all the other pages voluntarily. Why don’t you stand out?

Page speed

Make sure your web page loads quickly. Ideal speed is 3 seconds. You can load your page even less time than it. It is irritating to see buffering and loading pages in your device.

Reduce server response time; compress image file inside your contents; use better host; avoid page redirection; reduce Java and CSS files. These all can help to improve page speed. Google sets its good speed score as 90+. Try to achieve it!


Provide links inside your website contents. Usually, internal links, reference links, backup links, quick links and click through links are used. This serves as a good marketing strategy to let your visitors see other treatments also.

Too many links also seem irritable. Use 3-4 links for 1500 word web content.

Website design

Indeed appearance of website makes visitors to scroll and explore more. You need wise choice in choosing your website design. Don’t show any disgusting or filthy images at first thinking that you give a good transformation.

Many think this as a branding technique and true they fail to impress the visitors. This makes them to quit the page immediately. To increase view rate and view time of your website, choose suitable web design. For this you need not spend more and go beyond expenses you decide in your business plan. There are plenty of free themes and designs available in Wordpress.

You can get it easily and build an impressive web design. Web design includes,

  • High responsive theme (to increase user friendly experience)

  • Precise schema

  • Themes with fast loading speed

  • Themes with supporting plugins

  • Themes works on various browsers

  • Auto updating themes

Here are some top suggestions to choose right Medspa theme.

  • Divi

  • Medical Spa

  • Astra

  • Avada

  • Salient

Reviews and feedbacks

Reviews play important role in marketing. Without knowing reviews no buyer or customer will buy a product or take any service. Sometimes, people go on reading 3-5 reviews before visiting a spa.

Collect as much reviews as possible. Show it in your website and gain the trust and increases credibility. Offer rewards and price reduction on customers giving reviews. Ask for reviews through follow up mails.

Show your reviews in most visited websites and third party apps used by your targeted customers. This will greatly increase your show rate and conversion rate.

Social media marketing

Facebook and Instagram are two popular social media platforms used for marketing purposes. Have a dedicated page for your Medspa. Increase followers there to get more visibility.

Off page SEO includes increasing visibility in all social media platforms. For this you can use free platforms like face book ads, instagram stories, you tube videos and Google ads.

Automatically, there is a gradual growth of followers to your social media account. When you announce some exclusive offers on sharing your Medspa posts or tags, you are on the right track in building SEO. You can also create effective Fb ads like, Image ads, Video ads, poll ads, Carousel ads, slideshow ads, collection ads, Instant experience ads, Lead ads, dynamic ads and messenger ads.

Thus, having more followers in your social media accounts leads to have a successful Medspa.

Avail online bookings

Do not let your visitors to look for the other options. For that, you need to embed booking page in your website. Surely, people book for immediate appointments and visit your Medspa physically. You can increase conversion rate of your Medspa by 2.35-5.31%.

This means having 1000 customers at the place of 30 customers. It is something really huge. If there is one practically applicable strategy, then it is online bookings. Show your schedules and booking page right below your website. You have more new bookings than ever.

Offline marketing Offline SEO increases visibility by 50%. This includes having external links. You can download the content and read or refer it for later reference.

Other offline marketing strategies include, GMB which is Google my Business, Cornerstone strategy, 10X content, podcasting, link building, and blogging.


Videos in your website increase 33% of extra visitors to your Medspa. Audience likes viewing than reading. 93% of business use videos and 81% people view videos before buying or choosing any service or product.

Put a video with your spa staff; show your ambience and before after images of transformation. But before and after images can be shared only on the approval of the customer.


Branding involves brand name, logo and literally everything about your business. Audience should get familiar to your brand name. Choose a catchy name related to beauty aspect. Put a unique tag line to bring immediate attention.

Then comes the logo of your Medspa. Less is always more. Go with simple and precise logo design for your Medspa. People like your Medspa for no reason. This increases your reputation and many refer your Medspa to people they know. Thus branding happens unknowingly. But you be precise about your branding techniques.'

Mobile friendly zone

Your website gets viewed mostly in mobile screen. It is one such era where you say undoubtedly that mobiles rule this marketing world. Any marketing strategy to promote your brand happens only through the device used by the searcher.

So, create a mobile friendly marketing plan wisely. It does not mean that you give little importance to desktop viewing. But make any marketing idea available in mobile or any device used by targeted audience.


In your website, show the products that you sell along with your services. Start treatments with skin care. This indirectly creates an urge to follow a proper skin care. Who knows they begin to buy your products regularly.

Interact with your audience

Keep engaging your targeted audience constantly. Not only the time they visit, rest of the time also you can contact them to make them remind your service. It can be a follow up mail, text or voucher, gift card, offer coupon and price reduction on any of the following services taken.

This interests them to visit your website often. They check frequently to know any offer on the particular treatment they wish to take. You can conduct campaigns like summer glow routine, winter care routine, rejuvenate treatments, and deceive your age and so on. Adding to that, you can have live support at the end of your website. There you can ask patients to post their questions on random topics like skin care regime. You can answer and clarify doubts with expert professionals.

Offer a facial kit, free consultation, skin check up. Keep in touch with your clients. One day they will become your loyal regular customers. Ask opinions by posting polls in instagram handle. Let them decide your upcoming campaigns.


Blogs serve as powerful off page strategy. There is local targeted audience waiting to take your service in Medspa. If you are smart enough to drive blogging to improve off page strategy, there you succeed. It is because blogging it for on page strategies. 64% people search before taking any therapeutic service or buying any products.

It is no surprise, 93% of business people use blogs to reach potential targets. When you avail blogs on your service ready in off page, your website will be positioned to the top. Blogging should be done on the basis of the following other strategies.

  • Marketing analysis

  • Branding strategy

  • Attracting targeted customers

  • Keyword research

  • Interact in comment section

  • Use about page

  • Analyze conversion rate

  • Use landing page

  • Choose right marketing tools

Content marketing

Contents inside your web page decide the success of your spa. As discussed, 96% of words are useless in all the contents. Give all your keywords within first 100 words. Do lots of research on keywords and content style.

It is better to recruit a team of content writers or a freelance content writer with you to promote your business through contents.

Devise your strategy

Whatever the strategy you use, it takes 6 months to know the result and effectiveness. Give enough time to know the correctness of strategy. Don’t keep switching between many ideas. Be very consistent and take time to notice the changes of your Medspa business.

Therefore keep experimenting your strategies. Go with the trend and think how you can make your business viral using all these advancements. When you improve user experience, you get more traffic and visibility. Ultimately, you can build a million dollar Medspa business!


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