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Writer's pictureDaniel Madhan

Social Media Marketing For Doctors: How To Create It Effectively?

Updated: May 8

Social Media Marketing For Doctors

Social Media Marketing for Doctors is a powerful tool that can be used to create an effective social media campaign to promote medical practices for doctors. As a doctor, social media platforms are great tools that you can use to advertise and market your practice to the general public.

Social Media Marketing For Doctors
Social Media Marketing For Doctors

Billions of people in the world today, including your potential clients are on various social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, and so on.

Effectively using social media to promote your campaigns can enable you to build your medical practice in various ways such as:

  • Setting up a powerful online presence for your practice.

  • Attracting potential patients and clientele.

  • Fostering your current clients' base through constant engagement.

  • Exhibiting thought leadership examples in your area of specialization.

  • Exemplifying professionalism around your niche.

In this article, we will look into the effectiveness of social media marketing campaigns and how powerful it is to promote your medical practice.

Why Social Media Marketing For Doctors Works Well?

Why Social Media Marketing For Doctors Works Well?
Why Social Media Marketing For Doctors Works Well?

Social media marketing for doctors works because of its diverse group of people and vast audience. Currently, there are over 4.48 billion active social media users worldwide, which is about 56.8% of the world’s population.

Additionally, a reasonable number of social media users make use of social media to research retail products and services. The effectiveness of this marketing strategy pleases more than 90% of marketers in medium-sized and large-scale enterprises. This is because social media enables marketers to communicate directly with potential clients.

Whether you are a medical doctor in an already established medical institution or you’re just starting your practice in a local clinic, social media is a powerful marketing tool that you can use to attract new patients.

How to Start Using Social Media Marketing For Doctors?

Whether you are just starting your medical practice or are you an already established medical doctor with many years of experience, you can never go wrong with an effective social media marketing campaign.

However, your commitment to it will determine how far you will go. Even if you don’t see the rewards of your social media marketing campaign immediately, you will definitely get your rewards in the nearest future.

If you're new to social media marketing for doctors or want to improve your existing marketing campaigns for your medical practice, below are some useful tips to get you on the right path.

1. Place your focus On the Mainstream Social Media Networks

There are several social media platforms available today ranging from Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to SnapChat and TikTok. While you’re allowed to use any of them for your marketing campaigns, it is better to focus on the social media platforms with the largest number of uses and engagements.

For example, Facebook has proven over the years to be an effective marketing social media platform. Currently, the number of Facebook users worldwide is 2.96 billion. There are a huge number of potential clients/patients that you can generate from Facebook marketing campaigns.

You should understand that the largest player in the social media space has the largest share of social media users and therefore, has the biggest potential.

2. Consider Running Your Campaigns On Multiple Social Media Channels

Consider Running Your Campaigns On Multiple Social Media Channels
Consider Running Your Campaigns On Multiple Social Media Channels

While it is good to focus on the social media platform with the largest audience, it is also important to run your campaigns on multiple social media channels. Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok are other great social media platforms that you can use to reach out to potential clients/patients.

In the long run, running your social media marketing for doctors on multiple social media channels may be worth more than focusing on your one. Running your campaigns on multiple social platforms can offer a broader reach to potential clients.

3. Create and Share Quality Content

Content is king according to a popular saying. Quality content is critical especially as it relates to social media marketing. When you create quality content, you are informing and educating your audience about various health-related topics and how to can keep themselves safe from various sicknesses and diseases.

You can write about and share numerous health-related topics with your audience. Create content that are both relevant and also intriguing to your audience. Create content that will make your audience interested in your medical practice.

Create and Share Quality Content
Create and Share Quality Content

Exemplify your medical practice and make sure every content you share with your audience brings in a human connection that attracts the desired outcome. To aid the intriguing stories, you can add nice videos and images for utmost engagement. Videos are more understandable, engaging, and compelling than texts.

Also, to make social media content more effective, interactions between you and your audience should be enabled. Develop posts around interesting and captivating topics that provoke conversations between you and your followers.

Respond promptly to comments and questions to increase engagement on your social media pages.

4. Track and monitor Your Social Media Growth

To be on the right track and ensure you are getting satisfactory outcomes for your social media campaigns, you need to track and monitor your social media growth and performance.

Track and monitor Your Social Media Growth
Track and monitor Your Social Media Growth

Some of the metrics you should watch out for include:

  • Number of followers following your page

  • shares and engagements on Facebook

  • Numbers of likes on Instagram

  • Retweets, mentions, retweets, and impressions on Twitter

  • Dealings, impressions, and clicks on LinkedIn

Tracking these metrics will give you a clear idea of how your social media marketing for doctors are performing.

5. Additional Tips

Below are some extra tips for doctors on using social media marketing to acquire more potential clients/patients.

  • Post useful and quality content consistently.

  • Locate and join healthcare-related communities, including doctors’ groups and online pages.

  • Engage in partnership with influencers and micro-influencers.

  • Experiment and run sponsored posts.

  • Research and spy on your competitor to know what they’re doing right and implement them.

  • Include subtle but captivating CTAs in all your online posts.

Social Media Marketing Strategies for Doctors

Social media is a powerful tool that can be used by doctors to increase brand awareness, reach new patients, and grow their practices. Social media marketing presents many opportunities for doctors to grow their practice and attract more patients.

Social marketing strategies for doctors include understanding the rules guiding social media strategies for doctors. Stay up-to-date with industry and legal regulations for your social media efforts.

Research your target audience and the best social media platforms to attract them. Then, know the right content to post on social media to attract your audience and increase engagement.


Social Media Ads for Doctors

Healthcare marketing has become very important for doctors who want to increase brand awareness, acquire more patients, and increase revenue.

Social media marketing for doctors provides a way to reach new patients, engage with existing patients, and promote their practices.

According to research, about 66% of users search online for information regarding a specific medical problem or disease, 81% of internet users state that they share health information through Facebook messages, and 87% of users say they share health information via Facebook posts.

Running social media ads for doctors can be rewarding as it helps bring in new patients.


Social Media Marketing for Physicians

Building a good relationship with your patients as a doctor effectively promotes retention and boosts referrals.

Social media offers you the platform to build relationships with your and prospective patients. If you’d like to start using social media for your practice, create an account if you don’t have one.

After that, create and post relevant content on your social media page. By utilizing all useful marketing strategies, you can increase your practice’s awareness on social media.


Instagram Marketing for Doctors

Instagram is one of the best social media marketing platforms for doctors. An effective way to reach potential patients on Instagram is to create quality content through videos, images, or text.

Creating quality and informative videos can help you get more engagement on Instagram. Sharing user-generated content is also an excellent way to reach a broader audience on Instagram.

You can share user-generated content on Instagram includes patient testimonials, before-and-after photos, and videos of patients using healthcare services. By sharing this kind of content, you’re building trust with potential patients.


Facebook Marketing for Doctors

In addition to Instagram marketing, doctors can also utilize Facebook to reach a wider audience. Facebook marketing is the foremost social media marketing.

It includes organic and paid Facebook ads. As a doctor, you can utilize both organic and paid ads to reach a wider audience on Facebook and connect with potential patients.


Physician Social Media Management

Social media is the future of marketing. Take advantage of the huge number of social media users to increase your brand awareness, connect with potential patients, and increase revenue. 

Social media management can be a difficult and time-consuming task for doctors. We encourage you to seek a reputable social media management agency like Intellius Medical to help manage your social media engagements and acquire new patients for your practice.



Social media marketing for Doctors is an endless and continuous process. You must regularly create, track and monitor content across all your social media platforms. You may not see immediate results but don’t lose hope.

Remain committed and consistent, and you will surely achieve your desired results. Contact us to know more information.


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